
Testing the Instagram feed display order control function

Instagram is developing features that give users some degree of control over feed order, such as prioritizing friends and family. Mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi found a screenshot shared on Twitter. Since then, Instagram has admitted that it is conducting an internal test.

Instagram feed views were previously listed in chronological order, but in 2016, an algorithm prioritized showing posts that might be relevant or of interest to users. However, there are many people who are dissatisfied with the display order determination by this algorithm. In response, Instagram also posted a blog post explaining this structure in June, saying that there are cases where it is misunderstood.

The features we’re testing this time are prioritized by accounts registered in the Favorites for the algorithm. When you register a close friend or family member, the person’s posts can appear at the top of the feed. It is not possible to change the chronological order, but it may make it easier to see the posts you want to see more than ever.

However, it is currently in the in-house testing stage. There is no information on whether testing for users will be conducted in the future or when the official release will be.



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