
An app that tells you what information IoT devices in the street are collecting?

A research team at Carnegie Mellon University has developed the IoT Privacy Assistant, an app that can unknowingly find IoT devices that track themselves at stations or commercial facilities.

There are a number of systems, such as a face authentication camera and a Bluetooth voice assistant, installed without a person’s knowledge. Of course, not all of these devices have consumer consent. Recently, there are also laws to protect personal information, such as the EU’s general data protection rules and the California Consumer Protection Act, but the real problem is the devices being collected without asking consent to the collection of information about individual pedestrians in large cities on the street.

This app is made as a defense for those who are highly conscious of risk management through technology. Internet of Things device owners subscribe to the cloud, and many apps can retrieve this information for more information. It also allows users to choose not to track themselves if they can opt out, register devices discovered by users, and increase the library of IoT devices for others.

According to the research team, the app is receiving a grant from DARPA. DARPA started the Branda Project from the viewpoint of improving social life, such as collecting and analyzing large-scale information, online shopping malls, dealing with public health problems, and suppressing terrorist activities, and is trying to discover and foster the possibility of contributing to the research.

The app has been released for iOS and Android. It is important to be aware of IoT devices that collect various data without consent, and it is of course necessary to further discuss measures to protect personal information. Related information can be found here .



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