
The amount of code handled by developers “has increased 100 times in 10 years”

Sourcegraph, which covers Universal Code Search, surveyed more than 500 software developers in the United States and Canada on code complexity and management issues. As a result, it is said that the amount of code processed by developers has grown more than 10 years ago, and more than half has increased by more than 100 times.

SourceGraph is a tool that lets you browse and analyze source code in the Git repository with a browser. It was originally a commercial service for businesses, but is now open source. The report pointed out that modern code bases have seen a significant increase in code volume and complexity, so it is always a problem for developers to discover, understand, and solve code. It is a big code with enormous complexity. 92% of software developers say their organization is affected by Big Code.

In order to quantify the size of the big code that has a big impact on the software industry, Sourcegraph measured the size of the entire company’s code base in terms of capacity and number of storage and investigated changes over the past decade. Fifty-one percent of software developers said that the size of the code to be managed and the number of repositories increased more than 100 times from 10 years ago. In addition, 18% of software developers said they have soared by more than 500 times.

In addition, SourceGraph investigated which factors increased the code volume and complexity. As a result, more than 60% of software developers report significant increases in volume and complexity in architecture, devices, open source usage, platform and framework evolution, code metadata, programming languages, and tools.

Sourcegraph also pointed out that not only the amount and complexity of processing code, but also the speed of software release is rapidly increasing. In fact, 92% of software developers say they are feeling the pressure to launch faster over the past decade.

In addition, 91% of software developers are increasingly developing corporate software, such as insurance, retail and food-related companies, which were not considered technology companies until now. Considering that retail chain Wal-Mart is hosting an open source conference, it is no surprise that even non-tech companies are working on software development. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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