AlphaDog is a small dog-like robot developed by Weilan in Nanjing, China.
The Spot introduced by Boston Dynamics is about 80 million won, but you can choose from 4 types of Alpha Dog and buy it for $5,690 (6 million won).

Based on the medium-sized introductory C100, the operating time is 5 hours, and the medium model C200, the C300, which can be expected to provide professional support for navigation, and the large-sized flagship model C400L, operate 7.5 hours and load 10kg. , It has built-in navigation.

The robot can integrate the latest technologies such as AI and Internet of Things, 5G, augmented and virtual reality, and autonomous driving, and can monitor people or objects, patrol parks or areas, unmanned delivery or facility inspection, rescue life, and even humanitarian landmines. Can also be used for removal. It is distributed as a software development kit, not just play.

Spot can also be used for surveillance or inspection in hazardous locations such as oil platforms, building construction sites, and SpaceX spacecraft explosion tests. Alphadog also expects similar use, but you can think of ways to use it at home as a pet. Related information can be found here .
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