
Gulf of Mexico submarine pipeline fire seen on video

On July 2, at around 5:00 (local time), a fire broke out in an underwater pipeline near the waters of Ku Maloob Zaa, located near the southern tip of Mexico. The danger of this fire is well illustrated by a video filmed from a helicopter. Right next to the offshore platform, sparks flash with steam and smoke from the sea boiling like oranges.

Pemex, the Mexican state-owned company that operates the oil field, said that the fire extinguished five hours later, there were no injuries, and there was no significant impact on production. According to reports, the cause of the fire was a large storm mixed with thunder.

Although PEMEX is the world’s 10th largest oil company, it has large debts of $113 billion and is being asked to upgrade its facilities. Kumalub Jaff is also the largest oil field in Pemex, but production has continued to decline over the past decade.



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