
Chrome 94 adds warning for non-HTTPS sites

Google has announced that Chrome 94, which will be released in the future, will be equipped with an HTTPS-First Mode feature that warns of connections to non-HTTPS sites.

HTTPS is a system that encrypts communication and prevents its contents from being exposed to others. In addition, an SSL server certificate that confirms the identity of the operator is also being operated as a set. The HTTPS-first function installed in Chrome 94 assumes HTTPS communication and displays a warning on the entire page before loading a site that does not support HTTPS. This is expected to increase user safety.

Chrome has previously recommended the use of HTTPS. For example, Chrome 90, released last April, adopts a system that first tries HTTPS communication when accessing a site, and switches to HTTP if it cannot.

Also, in Chrome 93, which will be released in the future, the address bar icon changes from a padlock to a down arrow when connecting to HTTPS. This is because many users mistake the lock for the meaning of site content stability.

According to Google, HTTPS-first mode will initially appear as a function that users voluntarily choose to use. However, in the future, it is said that they are also considering switching to the default setting state. It can be said that it is a move to build a safe internet world. Related information can be found here.



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