Google has announced the introduction of a dark theme setting in the web version of Google Search.
In May of last year, Apple introduced Dark Mode in its Google Search app for iOS and Android. In December of the same year, it can be said that the official introduction was foretold, such as conducting a dark mode test on the web version.
When dark mode is reflected in the web version of Google search, the background is dark and the search bar or text is displayed in white. On the search results page, unread pages are blue, read pages are purple, and dark mode can reflect device preferences as well as simple on-off.
Switching to dark mode is simple in the search settings. However, the feature is being rolled out slowly over several weeks. Google is actively introducing dark mode to various of its apps and services. In devices equipped with AMOLOED displays, it is possible to reduce power consumption, so its utilization is expected. Related information can be found here.
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