
Middle-earth chat, shade of 1 billion users

The Chinese government is strictly cracking down on Twitter using its own firewall. For this reason, the Twitter itself is blocked in the platform itself in China, the majority can not see. Nonetheless, the Chinese government is strengthening its online censorship efforts to curb the growing number of users.

If Chinese authorities demand removal of government criticism, they may use other means if they do not work. According to a human rights activist, when a message containing a backup code arrived on Twitter, 3,000 tweets were deleted after an hour.

In September of 2017, the Watts app message blocked in China was also filed as evidence in court, as the Chinese authorities watched their actions, including online.

The crackdown on domestic Twitter users by the Chinese authorities has expanded over the past few weeks, and public security is sometimes physical. An activist with more than 8,000 followers said he had to sign a memorandum to quit tweeting after eight hours of interrogation.

We are strengthening crackdown on Twitter and so on, but weChat, a messaging app in China, is gaining popularity locally. There are 800 million Internet users in China, but Wicht Chat is more than 1 billion. Chinese users who use the online environment have one or more accounts. More than one-third of the users are using WATT Chat for more than 4 hours every day. Wit Chat is becoming a necessity for many Chinese people.

Of course, it is obvious that Wichat is under Chinese authorities’ supervision. As the privacy policy was changed in September 2017, all personal data was collected in accordance with Chinese legal regulations and it was stated that it could be used at the request of government and law enforcement agencies.

With Watts apps, Facebook, PayPal, Uber and other combined features, there is no alternative opportunity, and Wit Chat has become an integral part of China. It can be said that the shade of 1 billion users. For more information, please click here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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