Starbucks uses Microsoft ‘s Azerblock Chain service to track coffee beans. Starbucks announced its Bean to Cup in 2018 to track its bean history. It has launched a block-chain-based coffee tracking system in partnership with Costa Rica, Colombia and Rwanda farms.
This system allows customers to track coffee products and further coffee farms make it possible to broaden the possibilities of funding opportunities. This prototype program is open source for dissemination.
According to reports, Starbucks and Microsoft have presented a number of joint initiatives at Microsoft build conferences. Drive-through order forecasting in some cafes, and facilities with Internet connectivity.
Microsoft’s Azureblock Chain Service simplifies the formation and management of consortium-type block-chain networks. The platform that can be managed through this service is Quorum, an Ethernet-based financial smart contract platform developed by JP Morgan as open source software. According to Microsoft, the block chain as a new service allows developers to focus on building block-chain-based applications and services on a pre-configured network. For more information, please click here .
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