
AMD returns to mobile chipset market

AMD and Samsung Electronics have signed a multi-year strategic alliance. Accordingly, Samsung Electronics will develop a smartphone chipset that utilizes AMD’s graphics technology.

AMD is the second largest player in the world PC market for PC GPUs, with console gaming and cloud platform products ahead of them. However, the mobile sector has been long since vacated in the product lineup since it sold its Imageon processor business to Qualcomm in 2009. In terms of AMD, the alliance with Samsung Electronics will complement the gap in the mobile space.

In exchange for the technology, Samsung will pay AMD technology licensing fees, and according to reports, it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

AMD has announced the next-generation GPU microarchitecture RDNA (Radeon DNA) during Computex Taipei 2019 held on May 29 in Taipei, Taiwan. The partnership will provide AMD with intellectual property rights to the RDNA architecture. The Radeon RX5000, a PC GPU designed by AMD using this architecture, is optimized for gaming graphics. The details of the RDNA architecture are not known, but they have achieved a 25% increase per clock and a 50% increase per watt of power consumption compared to the previous one. AMD is said to feature low power and high performance as RDNA. Of course, originally designed for PCs that operate under a 15-65W power supply, mobile power consumption should be kept at less than 5W while maintaining high performance.

Samsung Electronics is designing and developing mobile chipset Exynos. The chipset is expected to include a GPU based on the RDNA architecture. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon series, the competition model for the Axis series, includes a GPU called the Adreno. Adreno has developed an Imager on processor that AMD has sold. Anyway, in terms of AMD, after entering into a license agreement with Samsung Electronics, it entered the mobile chipset market in 10 years and competed against the previously sold business. For more information, please click here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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