
Google wants a Huawei sanction exemption?

It is reported that Google is offering to dismantle the Trump Administration because Huawei is in danger of jeopardizing US security.

Since the US presidential decree, which was a virtual trade blacklist of Huawei in mid-May, Google has strictly banned operating systems and security updates for its Huawei Android devices. However, according to reports, senior Google executives are asking US government officials to waive their export ban on Huawei. Google is worried that the Huawei smartphone will not allow Android updates, and it is appealing that it will promote Huawei’s own operating system development.

According to a person familiar with Google, Huawei claims that Android is a proprietary version of Android that can be hacked. Huawei has said that it will be able to use its own operating system by next spring. Huawei’s proprietary operating system is specifically two pure Android and hybrid versions. The hybrid version is likely to be more buggy than Google products, and Huawei smartphones are likely to be hacked.

The worry is that Google has offered to the US Department of Commerce to waive its 90-day grace period without banning transactions with US companies. The company said its main focus is protecting Google users’ security in the US and millions of existing Huawei smartphones around the world.

Meanwhile, according to Bloomberg Communications, Huawei pointed out that there would be a risk to Google when it developed its own operating system. One is that you can not manage the security updates as mentioned earlier, but the other is that you lose control of the operating system and Google can not collect consumer data that will help your ad revenue. The prohibition on Huawei, which was a big customer, would be a serious blow to Google. For more information, please click here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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