Burger King has carried out a test to verify the Traffic Jam Whopper service, which is a service that delivers hamburgers with quick service in the car. If you tell us your location using GPS, you will be able to get delivery while driving. Burger King conducts this verification experiment in Mexico City, one of the world’s most stagnant vehicles. The people here are trapped in the car for five hours every day.
In addition to simple delivery, Berger King also advertised the Burger King on the street signboards as an advertisement to show the congestion prediction time and to download the app itself. Along with your username, it will also show you who will be delivered in the next few minutes. This is also part of the service.
Mexico City has stores about 3 km apart. It is said that the motorcycle starts at the most efficient store for the customer. The app relies on Google Maps to take advantage of real-time data from stores that are congested or ordered, and displays advertising and delivery notifications on a billboard. Orders can be carried out by voice, so it is said that there is no danger in order to drive even during driving.
Burger King said that the verification experiment has increased delivery by 63% and download speed by 44 times a day. It also plans to conduct the same experiment in LA, Sao Paulo and Shanghai following Mexico City. This service, aiming at a niche in the automobile society, ends with an app, and delivery ends when you open the car window and open it. The exchange ends in 10 seconds. It can be said that it is for the automobile society. For more information, please click here .
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