
Badge that establishes social distance with Lida?

The Social Distancing Badge is a product that helps to maintain a 2m social distance so that others do not get affected by the Corona 19 virus or if you are positive, you do not infect others.

This product measures the distance using LIDAR. Lida irradiates a laser beam and measures the time until it returns to the reflection, detecting the position of the object and its distance. It is widely known as it is mounted on an aircraft or in an autonomous vehicle as it is recently miniaturized. It has recently become small enough to fit on the tip of a finger, but it is also a historical technique used to map the Apollo 15 mission to the Moon and measure the distance between the Moon and Earth until 50 years ago when it was first created.

This product is user-definable based on the ATmega328PB AVR, microcontroller Arduino, which uses the VL53L1X long-range AF sensor using infrared, which is safe for the eyes, to measure and process finely down to millimeters. It consists of a rechargeable 100mAh lithium-ion battery on a display that displays 4 digits up to 4m. Depending on the mode used, it can be used continuously for up to 50 hours and the minimum time is 5 hours.

This product was raised through crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Even after social distance becomes unnecessary, it can be a fun toy in that you can immediately know the distance between yourself and the object. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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