
Samsung smartwatch app to help wash your hands

Samsung Electronics launched Hand Wash, an app for Galaxy Watch that reminds you to wash your hands regularly.

This app, which can be downloaded from the Galaxy Store, helps you to practice without forgetting the fact that you need to wash your hands frequently to prevent COVID-19 infection. A similar approach has been added to the Watch app for WearOS, but unlike Handwash, you can set the alarm timing yourself. Basically, 7 episodes and 8 o’clock, 11 o’clock, 12:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30, 20:30 8 times. But other than that, you can add or change time to suit your own life rhythm.

The timer operates for about 25 seconds after the alarm, and WHO and CDC guidelines say that you should wash your hands for about 20 seconds. This app helps you wash your hands by tapping the clock for about 5 seconds to activate a timer. The application also includes a dedicated watch face, and you can see the time or number of times you wash your hands since the last hand wash. You can even start the timer without waiting for the alarm.

The development team (Samsung Research Institute-Bangalore) said that over the past two weeks, they reviewed solutions that could help keep them healthy and developed them mainly while working from home. Related information can be found here .



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