
Autonomous delivery robot active in Michigan, US

The autonomous three-wheeled vehicle REV-1, created by the University of Michigan startup, Refraction AI, is active in Ann Arbor. It started operating in 2019 and has been used for take-out delivery at restaurants near universities, but the recent Corona 19 incident has caused the operation rate of the eight operating units to quadruple.

The REV-1 has a built-in UV disinfecting light, so the risk of infection is lower than that of human delivery. Also, every time work is done, the inside of the body is mopped. The speed is not as fast as 24k/h, and it is less than 500W in accordance with e-bike regulations, so you drive in the bicycle lane.

The REV-1 weighs 45kg and has 12 optical cameras in addition to GPS, lidar and radar. The camera combines viewing from 90 degrees, 100 degrees, and 200 degrees to detect 360 degrees of view and depth. In addition, the fact that it can be operated with a camera-based inexpensive navigation is contributing to the identification of the course.

Currently, 5 types of trial delivery of REV-1 are being delivered, and it is said that there are about 500 participating customers. They order through a dedicated app. If REV-1 causes a problem, one employee responds at home.

The company said that it is expanding the production system to operate 25 units by summer by adding more suppliers. It is said that it is also planning to supply materials in cooperation with more stores. Related information can be found here .



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