Clubhouse, a voice chat service, can only be enjoyed on iOS at the moment, but it has been revealed in early April that it is developing for Android in connection with Google. According to the latest release notes released on May 2nd (local time), it has been announced that it has begun offering a beta version of the app rough for Android exclusively for a small number of testers. It is a closed beta test that does not openly recruit participants.
However, the statement that it is looking forward to meeting more Android users at the clubhouse in the next few weeks suggests that it will be officially serviced soon. As of the end of March, the clubhouse revealed that it will take two to three months, and it can be said that it is running at a faster rate than expected, as mentioned the outlook around summer.
However, the current situation is that competitors are entering the voice chat service one after another. Twitter’s Space is already available to anyone with over 600 followers, not only the iOS version, but also the Android version, and Facebook will also offer new audio features, including voice chat, this summer.
The Instagram Live also has a voice-only function, so it can be said that all companies are moving beyond the simple voice chat area to the next level. Interest is focused on whether the Club House will show stability with the Android version or if it will be swallowed up by the pursuers. Related information can be found here.
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