
Which posts will not appear in your Facebook News Feed?

On September 23rd (local time), Facebook released its content delivery guidelines and made it clear which posts would not appear in the News Feed.

According to Facebook, there are three main reasons why content becomes difficult to display. Each section explains specifically what is being judged out for each item, and makes it easy to understand what to avoid to make it easier to see on Facebook.

The first is to respond to direct user feedback. It gets feedback on what users like and dislike about what they see on Facebook, and changes their news feed accordingly. First, it is a post containing a link to a page where the spam ad’s aphorism page is covered with an ad, and a video ad or audio ad automatically plays or page reloading is required to view the content. The same applies to clickbait posts that use hype about the content, structured comments or engagement baits, and posts that explicitly ask for shares, comments, likes, etc.

Links to hidden domains are also cases where posts contain links to domains that bypass the Facebook review process. Links to websites that unnecessarily ask for user data, such as poor quality browsing experiences and posts with deleted pages, poor formatting on mobile, hard-to-read text sizes, or links to sites. In addition, low-quality comments including text comments and comments lengthened due to duplication, low-quality events with missing time and place or impossible to participate in, postings that fake recordings and still images, animations, loops, etc. The same goes for low-quality videos, posts about sensory health and for-profit posts about health that are more likely to be spam.

Second, creators present high-quality content creation. It is to make efforts to promote content creation so that users can use interesting and new materials. It also includes illegal sharing in which the number of views and participation increased artificially through domains with little original content, fake information on fact-checking, or creating multiple accounts. The same is true for domains or page links with a large click gap, such as posts containing links to pages or domains that account for the majority of inflows from Facebook. The same is true of news articles from unclear sources, such as large, untrusted news publisher postings, page posts with artificially inflated distribution numbers, and non-original news articles.

Third, foster a safe community. Content that could be a problem in society, whether intentional omissions or not, is also not displayed. Content that falls within the boundaries of the Community Guidelines, such as content posted by people who are likely to violate the Community Guidelines or who repeatedly violate Facebook policies, links to landing pages that contain sexual or shocking content, or posts from users who may have multiple accounts. Posts that do not spread unexpectedly because the author’s residence is overseas may restrict the display of posts until the author’s identity is verified and reviewed.

The same is true for articles related to suicide that violate the guidelines for reporting suicide and are described as a way to promote suicide. Related information can be found here.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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