
Is the leaked Windows 11 real? MS files DMCA withdrawal request…

Not long ago, the next Windows name was Windows 11, and some images and videos supporting it were released. However, there are reports that Microsoft has backed up the fact that this is true by directly applying to the DMCA to dismantle it.

This was revealed through records of Microsoft’s request to the DMCA to take down the page from search results that provided a link to the ISO leaked by the Indian tech site Beebom to Google. DMCA takedown is a system that allows copyright holders of copyrighted works such as photos, videos, and software to be removed from Internet search results to urgently protect their rights.

This application was found on a site that stores and discloses the contents of DMCA infringement reports. However, the reason for the application is that the Biboom article is distributing the Windows 11 ISO, and it is clearly stated that this is an unpublished Windows 11 leaked copy. In other words, Microsoft itself admits that the name Windows 11 or the leaked ISO is genuine. Therefore, the Windows 11 ISO currently on the Internet is likely to be genuine, and if you post the image or attach a download link, you can get a DMCA application from Microsoft.

In addition, a YouTuber claiming to have obtained the official version of Windows 11 Pro conducted a benchmark and published a video showing a performance improvement of up to 15% compared to Windows 10. The official event hosted by Microsoft will be held on the 24th. Related information can be found here.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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