
Linux also has … Microsoft’s IoT Security Platform

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Microsoft chose Linux? Azure Sphere is a platform that enables Microsoft to build a consistent system of microcontroller chips, operating systems, and the cloud for Internet security devices. The configuration consists of microcontroller chip, operating system, and cloud.

AzSphere is a system built on a chip level. Smart home and other things to enter the home Internet home appliances are equipped with an ARM-based SoSphere dedicated SoSphere. This will ensure connectivity and security with Microsoft’s cloud system. In this regard, Microsoft emphasizes that Azspear will be the foundation for Microsoft’s security, productivity, and cloud possibilities over the next few decades.

Microsoft says it can develop Internet terminals without the need to design complex embedded software with little cost if AzSphere technology is introduced. The thing is that the AzSphere can be a chip level security measure in that the compromise is not allowed in security. From the chip to the operating system, to the cloud, you can secure it all the way.

One of the advantages of AzSpire is that you can use the Visual Studio ecosystem in the microcontroller domain. Things important in Internet devices are to connect with users through the terminal. For software developers, it is not easy to increase productivity with the existing microcontroller platform, but AzSpear is able to utilize Visual Studio, which means that it has a lot of sense.

AzSpire is a platform that allows you to build hardware, software, and the cloud for your Internet devices. The MCU is based on ARM’s Cortex-based chip, and it also includes a system key update with encryption key support that incorporates Microsoft’s security module Pluton. As a software, it is a procedure to manage and authenticate security certificate based on AzSpire OS which is exclusive for cloud. The key to protect all terminals adopting AZ Spear OS is to manage and authenticate based on the cloud to solve security concerns of Internet devices.

Microsoft is working on a joint development of Media Tech and AzSpear chip, and will show its first chip, MediaTek MT3620 (MediaTek MT3620). Of course, we plan to increase chip production by providing royalties to chip related technologies.

As I said at the beginning, the eye-catching thing is that the AzSpire OS is Linux-based. It is also noticeable that Microsoft uses a custom Linux kernel rather than sticking to Windows. Microsoft’s hardware, software, and cloud-raising three-beat AzSphere ecosystems are growing in the Internet marketplace, as Microsoft CEO Sathiana Nathan, CEO of Cloud First, slated to adopt Linux instead of Windows. I can say that I have a strong will to tie up my position.

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The adoption of Linux itself has already been foreseen. Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Satia Nadela, criticized Linux, an open source operating system, in 2001, saying that Linux is “cancerous.” But Sathya Nadela, who took office in 2014, has chosen a different policy. He also appealed the need for Linux through a series of “Microsoft Loves Linux” on the Microsoft server blog. In 2016, Microsoft joined the Linux Foundation, a nonprofit that supports Linux distribution.


At that time, it was hard to imagine Microsoft joining the Linux Foundation, a symbol of open source. However, Microsoft has already released a lot of software as open source at the time. Microsoft is one of the companies that has released the largest number of open sources, Considering this, it is not surprising that Microsoft has adopted Linux on AzSphere.

Another thing that AzSpearer focuses on is Internet security, which does not even need to be explained. Though the penetration of Internet devices continues to increase, the security risks of related devices may change the level of information exposure risk. Recently, a security risk has been reported that hacked a robot cleaner called LG Hom-Bot, which sold more than 1 million units, and turned the built-in camera into an indoor surveillance camera. Of course, this problem has been solved by updating the dedicated application, SmartSync, but it can be said that the risk of information leakage is great, for example, by hacking things like Internet cameras and taking pictures of the indoor situation with cameras. That’s why Azspear is aiming for this market.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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