Venezuela’s economy ministry has announced it will be able to buy the government-issued cryptographic Petro in court currency on October 29th (local time).
According to information posted on Twitter, Petro can be purchased directly from the authorities through an official website or a government-approved six-currency exchange. An individual or corporation can purchase the information through the official website of Petro and obtain it through the Chinese Yuan, the Euro, the dollar or the encrypted bit coin, light coin, ether, or dash. But now it is said that only bit coin and light coin are supported.
The Venezuelan government granted oil trading rights to six cryptographic exchanges on October 16 (Bancar, Afx Trade, Cave Blockchain, Amberes Coin, Cryptia, and Criptolago).
#Enterate || El Petro podrá ser adquirido por personas jurídicas y naturales desde su portal web # PetroNuevaEraEconómica
– Vicepresidencia de Economía (@ViceEconomia) October 29, 2018
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