US Republican Congressman Warren Davidson recently suggested in an interview with US public radio station NPR that he should issue Wall Coin to raise money to build a barrier to Mexico ‘s national flag.
Known as a cryptographer, he recently commented that President Trump warned Congress to shut down government agencies in connection with a budget for building Mexican border walls, saying that “Buy a Brick, Build a Wall” Slogan, and offered a compromise book to build a wall with citizens’ contributions. He said he could receive a month coin through a donation made using a crowdfunding site or a donation made using a block chain, he said, adding that if the treasury permit is enough, the Mexican peso donation could be accepted.
He is also pursuing legislation related to cryptography. Davison repeatedly says that ICOs need to be lightly touched. It also plans to submit a bill that stipulates that ICO is not covered by the US Securities Act. Last fall, he also hosted a cryptographic roundtable table to discuss issues related to cryptographic regulation. For more information, please click here.
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