
Deep running · 3D printing … AI to replicate pictures

To reproduce a work of art, use CMYK four colors which are usually used for printing. But this alone makes me feel that there is not enough sense of depth in color. MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) developed RePaint, a way to reproduce 10-color ink in 3D printing. Because it uses it with deep running, it confirms how the color is mixed in the picture and replicates it four times more accurately than the conventional method.

Repaint is an AI that copies a picture in a word. You can also use it when you have scanned data, when you need to replace your work for protection while renting or recovering, or when you happen to be lost or stolen. Re-paint worked with artists in the development testing process and experimented to reproduce the paintings they painted, which is four times more accurate than the conventional method.

Repaint uses a thin layer of 10 inks of transparent ink. He also succeeded in saving the subtlety by adding the technique of overlapping the fineness of halftone used for newspaper and magazine printing. The more colors you add to the painting you want to reproduce, the more you need to do color analysis, but the deep-run will tell you how the painting styles and colors look in each colored area.

Given the recent trends in the art industry, demand for technology in the arts sector is expected to increase. Now, because it takes a long time to reproduce, it can only be the size of a business card, but the research team expects to reproduce matte surface processing that is difficult to reflect light when the printer performance increases and technology matures in the future. There are a lot of colors that can not be reproduced with 10 color inks at present. For example, special color such as cobalt blue needs to increase the color library separately. Of course you need to create an ink-specific algorithm. Although printer technology can not be followed yet, it may come to a day when it can reproduce a huge murals realistically even if it uses reflexology. For more information, please click here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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