Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song compares the bit coin to the thumb coin on his blog and catches the eye by revealing the difference between the maximum encryption cipher bit coin and other cipher money.
He is also an avid advocate of the value of decentralization of bit coins, he argued that decentralized key to bitcoin is more successful than other currencies. He stressed that the strength of decentralization is hard to see, but it is a real advantage.
Having criticized the spillover ICO market in 2018, he pointed out that in spite of the enormous amount of money raised by the project, fewer projects were successful and fewer products were offered by the market. He said that the difference between funding and product success is due to centralized operations, and that in 2018, it is true that even if the developer activity is active, the market is demanding. The beat coin is unmatched and is not a failure like many Altcoins.
He cited Augur as an ICO success story. The platform is worth $ 3.65 million in terms of market capitalization, with an average of 25 visitors per day. For more information, please click here .
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