Argentine public transport IC card SUBE card supports bit coin charging.
SUBE cards are used in buses, subways and railways in Argentina. Altoviaje, a service provider for the USBE card charging platform, has partnered with Bitex, a block-chain financial services company, to charge SUBE cards with Bitcoin via AltoVia’s Web site.
The Vitex side has more than 7 million subscribers to 37 sub-regions in Argentina, which can be used for trains, buses and subways. Alto Via has so far been affiliated with PayPal, a payment service, and Raffi Fargo, an Argentine electronic payment system.
The two sides explained that providing broad public access to innovative technologies such as bit coin is a key objective of the alliance. This project is important in delivering true value in everyday life by handing out destructive technologies such as bit coin to the public.
Ya podés cargar tu @TarjetaSUBEok con #bitcoin en ?? #ViajoConBitcoin #BondiConBitcoin # IntegraciónBitex #API # LoImposibleSeVolvióSimple
– Bitex (@bitexla) February 6, 2019
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