
High-quality games also opened in the era of streaming

STADIA is a game service platform released by Google during GDC 2019, its game developer conference. It is a streaming game platform that allows you to enjoy the game with low latency with the quality above gaming PC regardless of device such as smart phone, tablet, PC, smart TV, chrome cask .

One of the features of Stadia is the integration of YouTube and the web gaming community. For example, in the YouTube game trailers and play videos, you can enjoy high-quality games on the spot, just like playing videos without the hassle of downloading and installing, just click the Play Now button.

Crowd Play is a feature that creators can use for YouTube gameplay videos and commentary. It allows you to play the game together lightly without having to press the button during gameplay and play the game separately on the game machine or PC.

State Share is also a feature for creators who can distribute games like YouTube. Since the stadia game runs in the data center, the distributor can save certain situations or states in the game and then share it for other gamers to enjoy. It facilitates storage data transfer. For example, a game distributor may cut out the stage or emergency situation created in this game, and let others enjoy it.

The game video distributor can not only display the video as a video using the game as a material, but also give the reader a real experience. Stadia’s Play Now button can be added to other web services, emails, social networking sites, as well as YouTube, as well as regular links and embedded sources.

The STADIA platform, as I said earlier, is in the cloud, so it does not need a dedicated hardware or game machine because it is in the data center. You can enjoy it on PC browser, smart phone, tablet, TV connected with chrome cast. The controller can use the existing accessories for each device. Google’s own controller, Stadia Controller, is also available to make it more comfortable to enjoy.

At first glance, it’s just like a controller, but it’s not a connection to a game machine, a smart phone, or a PC, but a direct Wi-Fi connection to the Internet. This is to reduce gamer input delay. It also has a microphone and a Google Assistant button for chatting and voice input on the controller only.

A general controller is a simple product that transmits input signals to a game machine or a PC. In contrast, the Stadia controller is optimized for interaction with the data center while maintaining low latency because it is connected to the Internet by itself.

The custom gaming server in the Google Datacenter running the Stadia platform can easily extend beyond the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Pro specifications and seamlessly expand into multiple GPUs, allowing game developers You can develop games and run existing games easily.

The development uses Linux-based cross-platform and graphical computing APIs for Vulkan, a custom cloud-native layer for games. Unity and other widely used engines are also supported.

In the case of existing game consoles, users need to upgrade their hardware every few years to improve performance. However, because Stadia dynamically scales the server-side instance, you can boost the expression without having to do anything on your part.

The advantage of cloud games for game developers is that they do not have limitations due to the local processing capabilities of the game machines or PCs, and they allow for new game design by simplifying multiplayer. The existing game had to synchronize the multiplayer server with the game machine or the PC game. Multiplayer challenges such as network delays and failures, and hardware gaps between gamers. However, the delay is almost zero because all data is processed by the stadia. Gamers are hard to cheat because they only have input and output.

In addition, all of the base developers have access to the latest version, and to facilitate future game development workflows such as security, feature-validation, game-only nodes to test play, and Hybrid Cloud on Google’s stardia It is focused on.

Existing streaming game services can be designed from scratch, from game design to developer’s point of view, while games and PC platform games already on the market are simply moved to the cloud. For more information on stadia developers, please visit the website .

The service will be launched earlier this year in the US, Canada, UK and parts of Europe.

Meanwhile, Google announced the launch of its own game platform, Stadia Games and Entertainment. Under the lead of Jade Raymond, a well-known producer of popular game Assassin’s Creed, he will be responsible for the development of Cloud Native Stadia original works and technical support for partner developers. Jade Raymond has been a game developer for Sony, EA and Ubisoft, and left EA at the end of 2018 to join Google.

The studio is responsible for developing its own new titles for Stadia and supporting theater developers. The contents of the game title itself were not disclosed at all.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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