
The city of the midnight, the movement to get rid of the concept of time …

Sommaroy is a rural village on the Norwegian Arctic Circle. However, there is a petition calling for the enactment of a bill to abolish the recent time. Kjell Ove Hveding, the motion proponent, says that he wants to make the world a first time totally unconventional space, and appeals to many people all over the world who want this life.

People have to go to work when they are on time and continue to be tied to time when things are done. Because of that, I forget my free life. The proposer proposes to live naturally without being bound by time. In the village of only 300 people, the sun is floating all night in the summer. If you still live in the same 24-hour cycle as the rest of the world, you should stop the sunlight at night and artificially darken the room. But now, as long as the sun is floating, it wakes up as desired, and at 3 o’clock in the morning it can be a bright day like daylight.

However, even if the city takes away time, the outside world moves with time, so it is pointed out that after not completely disconnecting from the outside, it will eventually be adjusted to time. Concerns about public transport and health impacts can also arise. Originally, the body has provided a mechanism that adapts to the natural cycle of 24 hours, which is a study that has not changed in a darkened cave or a few months’ life. But this petition is likely to lead to a consensus to pursue a more natural lifestyle in a busy modern life that is chased by time.



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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