
Will Algorithm Create 68 Billion Song Melody, Copyright Free?

Damian Reel, who is also a copyright-savvy lawyer, programmer, and musician, composed more than 68 billion songs and over 600 GB of melodies with algorithms and released them under the CC0 (Creative Commons 0) license, which is released without any rights. However, some raise questions about the relationship of rights.

He says that in a copyright infringement lawsuit alleging that a song resembles a certain melody, if it is possible that the accused artist has heard the music reproduced at least once, it could be considered unconsciously infringing on the original content. Together with his musician and programmer colleague Noah Rubin, he quits a copyright lawsuit that he considers to infringe on the creative freedom of the artist and contemplates creating melodies with algorithms and publishing them as CC0.

They developed an algorithm that records all possible 8-bit and 12-bit melodies within the range of 1 octave to determine the finiteness of the melody. This algorithm creates a melody with 300,000 patterns per second, basically the same behavior as the brute force attack that hackers use to guess passwords. They are publishing their algorithms on GitHub. In addition, a melody dataset of 687 billion songs and more than 600 GB is released in the Internet archive.

The melody generated by the algorithm is output in a MIDI format that describes the notes as simple numbers. According to the project’s official site, the melody they created is being distributed under the CC0 license. Some point out that even if the CC0 license melody is released, whether it will be recognized as the public domain is another matter. Disclosure is a government work or the copyright protection period has ended, and most copyrights are legally extinguished, but the moral rights of the work are protected. On the other hand, CC0, which declared renunciation of all rights, including moral rights, gave up the moral rights of works that are close to the public domain with a license.

However, although CC0 is a license that declares that all rights, including moral rights, are waived, it is ultimately judged whether the exemption will be recognized by national law. Also, it is not absolute because there is a possibility that the license will change. In some cases, SpaceX released the CC0 license and changed the official photo to CC2.0.

In other words, even if it is declared to be released under the CC0 license, it is legally quite subtle because it is not legally recognized as a public domain. It is not known whether their melodies will act as weapons in court, as long as there is a possibility that they will not be legally recognized as public domain. Related information can be found here .



Through the monthly AHC PC and HowPC magazine era, he has watched 'technology age' in online IT media such as ZDNet, electronic newspaper Internet manager, editor of Consumer Journal Ivers, TechHolic publisher, and editor of Venture Square. I am curious about this market that is still full of vitality.

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